Name: Vanessa "Vice" Keaton
DOB: bet back to me on this later.
Nationality: Canadian
Other Stuff: "Violence"
One of the infamous duo of WoF girls, Vice holds little regard for others... except for her beloved Mature. Needless to say, their relationship turns quite a few heads, and the station won't hesitate to take advantage of this.
One of the more ruthless cast members, Vanessa is actually a rather nice person at heart. You just have to get past all the maiming and killing and hurting... mhay! While she and Dani may seem to fight a lot, this is to be expected in any relationship, which is what they have. Unlike a lot of comical same-sex couples, they don't "beat around the bush," as it were.
With the Bernstein takeover, things have become strange for Vice and Mature. They used to work for Rugal before working at WoF, and seem to have nothing but bad memories. Rugal's list of enemies continues...
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