Name: Daniella "Mature" Cserei
DOB: bet back to me on this later.
Nationality: Romanian
Other Stuff: "Sex"
As the "sex" half of sex and violence, Mature plays up her role as foil to Vice's "violence." Of course, she won't sleep with just anyone, and really, she's pretty faithful to her significant other... unless they share.
It's a bit easier to see the positive side of Dani than it is with Vanessa. Dani, while being vampy and slutty, is still more friendly. She doesn't seem to want to hurt others so much as establish power with her sexuality. Of course, this sexuality includes her loving life-mate, Vanessa Keaton. Heavily. And often.
As with Vice, Mature is more than wary of the recent buyout. As time goes on, perhaps their history with Rugal will be revealed?
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