Name: "Blue" Mary Ryan
DOB: bet back to me on this later.
Nationality: American
Other Stuff: She wears a big giant belt!
A perennial favorite, Blue Mary is not only WoF's biggest star, but also the girlfriend of Terry Bogard, the director. She's always under a lot of pressure, and generally, she lets it get to her...
As one of the few sane employees of WoF, Mary has somewhat of a challenge ahead of her. Of course, sanity and competence are by no means mutually inclusive, and she's living proof. Still, she tries her best, even when Terry, both of him, try to screw things up. How she puts up with him, few may guess.
Lately, she's been involved in somewhat of a sordid love triangle between Terry, herself, and... uh... Terrence. Apparently the allure of an older and more competent version of Terry was too much for her... In any case, the situation seems to have resolved itself, however strangely.
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