Name: (???) Heidern
DOB: something
Nationality: German, I guess.
Other Stuff: A somewhat psychotic military master.
As the (adoptive) father of the suddenly popular Leona, as well as the host of his own show (The Heidern Group), this aging commander has quite the job ahead of him. Of course, he takes it all well in hand, even if he has to... gloss over certain details in his memory.
Leona got her terse demeanor from her father. Not much for convrsation, Heidern like to watch his panel of experts discuss matters, then suddenly interrupt with the CORRECT answer. And he swears he's never even heard of the McLaughlin group, too.
The recent takeover by Rugal would probably enrage Heidern (and with good reason) if Heidern weren't busy blocking it out of memory. But, alas, his protective mental shield can only last so long before it, and he with it, snaps.
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