Name: Geese Howard
DOB: something
Nationality: German (though lived mostly in America)
Other Stuff: Combines the best of the worlds of Karate Master, Billionaire and Mafia Don!
Geese Howard, the king of Southtown, used to be the owner of WoF. He still retains his status as crimelord and stockholder, so he sticks around, even if his archnemesis Terry is around, too. (In stereo!)
Geese is not so much evil as corporate. He's capitalist to the point at which he owns (sirectly, indirectly, legally or illegally) almost a whole city. He also seems to feel the same way about strength, as he has studies the martial arts for years, and even killed Terry's father to get hidden knowledge.
As a stockholder, Geese is definitely not out of the picture. He just might have a slightly smaller role in future. In any case, he seemed pretty scatterbrained about the whole hiring-Terry bit.
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