Name: Terrence Bogard
DOB: March 15th, 1970
Nationality: American
Other Stuff: Future Terry
He's Terry Bogard, but from at least 2008! Sometime around the events of the "Maximum Mayhem" tournament, Terry apparently decided he wanted to go back in time, and beat up father time to do this.
This is a Terry who's seen a lot more pain, suffering, hardship, and porno than the younger Terry. Because of this, he ahs a few different views on things than his younger self... Not the least of which involving Blue Mary.
He showed up suddenly and sort of became an actor at the station, seemingly of his own accord, and has been hanging around ever since. Maybe he'll reveal his true resons for his cross-time journey later, but for now, he's a big mystery. THough, most probably, he did it for kicks.
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